The UK has the oldest housing stock in Europe, with almost 22% of our Greenhouse Gas Emissions gas emissions caused by poorly insulated homes. The government has mandated housing providers achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, but Local Authorities (Councils) and Housing Associations lack the required resources to decarbonise the 4.4 million homes under their control. Grant funding is hundreds of billions of pounds short, and current solutions are piecemeal at best - inefficient, slow, and expensive. Meanwhile energy bills are increasing, causing millions to suffer fuel poverty.
There is urgent need for a simple, scalable, streamlined solution.
NetZed is a platform which consolidates each aspect of Decarbonisation / Retrofit, encompassing public outreach, funding, project management and reporting.
Crucially, NetZed also provides a revenue stream for councils to enable the retrofit of social housing, whilst lowering retrofit costs for private home owners.
The platform integrates all stakeholders: tenants and homeowners, Local Councils and Housing Associations, funders, surveyors, PAS2035 consultants, service providers, and equipment manufacturers alike, generating forensic reporting on a home by home basis.
Modular Approach
Councils and Housing Authorities can select the level of support required by choosing a selection or subscribing to all modules depending on in-house capabilities and requirements.
Available modules include:
Module 1
all stakeholders, including tenants, homeowners and local authorities.
Module 2
data ‘home-by-home’ to generate targeted solutions and cost estimates.
Module 3
via private and public capital partners, aggregated applications for government grants, with options to de-risk loans.
Module 4
all stakeholders particularly tenants and service providers, to answer questions, schedule works and monitor ongoing processes.
Module 5
and prioritise the rollout of each tranche of work and oversee service providers doing the work.
Module 6
comprehensive metrics to enable effective process audit, measurement, reporting and improvement.
NetZed Benefits
One stop shop
An end-to-end streamlined retrofit solution, from initial assessment to project completion and reporting.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Utilising housing data and analytics to tailor retrofitting solutions to suit individual homes, driving cost-effectiveness and efficiency.
Financial Accessibility
Facilitates access to grant applications and funding opportunities for tenants and homeowners, reducing the burden of upfront cost.
Simplified Process
Coordinates all stakeholders including tenants, homeowners, local authorities and service providers, enabling engagement, transparency and oversight, saving time and minimising confusion.
Compliance and Standards
Helping to ensure compliance with current regulations and standards, while future proofing homes against policy enhancement.
Education and Trust-Building
Direct personal communication across multiple channels, with transparent vetting and verification procedures to educate stakeholders, build trust and drive adoption.
About NetZed
Our mission is to enable the efficient, cost-effective decarbonisation of UK housing stock, at scale. While our main focus is to reduce emissions across the sector, we are conscious of the emissions generated by our own business related to travel and general office activities. We aim to minimise these as far as possible, by incentivising our team to use public transport, utilising smart building technology in the office, composting and recycling, and supporting low or reduced-emission choices wherever possible.
NetZed is a Joint Venture between:
A pioneering architecture and design firm innovatively addressing sustainability in the built environment for a more equitable future.
A group of environmentalists, scientists, academics and entrepreneurs focusing on specific environmental problems and sustainable development.